Monday, September 6, 2010

Cooking up new dishes

A while back M and I started cooking new dishes every Friday evening - it's a great way to spend  quality time together having fun... a plus - I get someone to tidy up after me!!! The only down side is the time he spends chopping veggies -  onions for example - while I just chop, his pieces have to be exacly the same size. Always an engineer!

This Saturday we tried Turkish Chicken Pilaf. Lots of chopping I may add...Its a very simple dish, takes about 20 mins preparation and  25 mins cooking time.

Here's the finished dish, not bad for a first try. Certainly on our  list for a second attempt, a little spicy - they suggested a side dish of yogurt with cumcumer which I did the following evening as there was enough left over. Delicious.


  1. Great Idea :)
    Mister M, freestyle is goooood sometimes :o)
    Hop another link added to our blog :o)

  2. Sara forgt to add that I am the "chicken chopper" as she hates doing that. But of course all the pieces HAVE to be perfect ha ha!!!

  3. * Look to the ceiling* Men and their ideas...
